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Headingley Heritage Centre, Jim's Vintage Garages is a museum located in the Headingley Community Centre - 5353 Portage Ave. West, Headingley, Manitoba.  It is 5 Kilometers west of the Perimeter highway on the Trans Canada Highway (see map below). Cruise back in time to the beginning of the petroleum industry in Canada.


We are now closed for the 2024 season.  If you would like to book a tour, contact us on the last page of this website.  Please allow a few weeks notice.


Adults          $5.00

Students      $4.00

Seniors        $4.00

Preschoolers free

Families       $10.00 (2 adults, 4 children)

Groups        $3.00 per person (7+ people)

Headingley residents, with proof of residency will be admitted free of charge.

Five Year Membership

Individuals  $10.00

Families      $20.00

Jim's Vintage Garages can only accept cash or e-transfer. We apologize for the inconvenience.

As you approach the front facade of the museum you will immediately step back in time as you view a Charlie Johnson mural depicting a service station from the past. Below is a panoramic picture of the original collection on Alboro Street in Headingley.



"Wonderful Place!"

Bruno Mühleim, Scheuren, Switzerland

"Great cars"

John Weibe, St. Pierre, MB


"Amazing! We like the Harley Davidson!"

Haus and Emily Grambow, Aachen, Germany



Eric and Lucinda, Dupont Texas, USA


"Nice - well displayed!"

Danny and Carol Shannon, Beaverbrook, NB


"Wow! Impressive collection!"

Claire Sicotte, Longueuil, QC


"Great display!  Great memories for us!"

Susan and Gordon Smith, Calgary, AB


"Makes me feel my age!  Looks too familiar"

Joy and Ernie Ward, South Bruce Peninsula, ON


"Great collection!"

Rick and Kathy Sheltonm Camano Island, WA, USA


"Tres joli muse!"

Stephane Thevriell, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC


"Amazing collection.  Well maintained!"

Wayne Thompson, Winnipeg, MB


"I loved all the stuff in this museum!"

Branden S., Woodstock, Ontario


"Amazing!  So glad we stopped in!"

Sophia Bassakyros, Toronto, Ontario


"Fantastic museum and friendly service.  Thanks!"

Regan and Charlotte, New Zealand


"Very cool museum!"

Daniel Cyr, Montreal, Quebec


"We loved all the memories and the '47 Indian"

Marshall Morgan and Aileen Hutchen, LaRiviere, MB


"Thanks for keeping history alive."

Atul Kumar, St. Paul, MN


"Heard about this place for some time, worth the trip (450 miles)"

Rick Wyatt, Moundsview, MN, USA

"Neat place.  We'll be back!"

Trish and Dave Fisher, Minnedosa, MB

"Very impressive, friendly!  Thank you."

J. Johnston, Leon IA, USA

"Wheels are an essential part of a vibrant community; Thank you!"

Isaac Fraser, Cleefeld, MB

"Great collection! Really pleased we got to see it!"

Jim and Stu Hunnable, Essex, UK

"Thank you! Great memories!"

Wallace and Marilyn Murphy, Osayoos, BC

"Always great to see!"

Gary Hammond, Lockport, MB


Rachael R., Philadelphia, PA, USA

"Very nice!"

Joy Suluk, Arviat, NU


Jason Wowk, La Salle, MB

"Very satisfied - lovely!"

Bethany Joy, Cheltenham, UK

"Spectacular Display!"

Harvey and Dorothy Eller, Vernon, BC

"Awesome collection!  Thanks!"

Gary and Geraldine Hotchkiss,  Elmira, ON

"Great collection - loved the MapleLeaf truck."

John and Jan Chapman, Atwood, ON

"Exciting to see when you are 90 and 86 years old."

Mr. and Mrs. Cobby, Holley, N.Y. State, USA

"Awesome displays. Lots of info."

Cortney and Doug Rumanik, Portage la Prairie, MB

"So interesting."

Art and Jean Dupont, Canon City, Colorado, USA

"Thanks for the hospitality!"

Kathy and Paul Jingskou, Headingley, MB

"We were there last year and LOVED it, want to come back."

Nicole Presley, Winnipeg, MB

T-shirt Pictures

Send us a picture wearing your Jim's Vintage Garages T-shirt and we will post it here.  The first picture is Jim Pearn.



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